PLEDGE NOW by completing the Stewardship Form and clicking submit button. Thank you!


It is with deep gratitude that we seek Stewardship pledges for the 2024 calendar year. Hitchcock finds itself in unique times as the world around us is shifting and changing with each passing day. We have entered a world where we have almost as many online worshippers as we do in-person and more people are giving digitally than ever before.  The uncertainty of these times certainly makes budget preparation even more of a challenge than usual. 

 Your annual pledge provides the finance committee with more concrete information in that process as we seek to be good stewards of the resources you have committed. More importantly, your annual pledge is a statement about your intentions for the coming year: "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Thank you so much for your generosity of spirit, time, talents, and of treasure in 2023.

As we look ahead to 2024, please consider increasing your pledge as we seek to increase our ministry.     

Rev. Dr. Pete Jones

2023 Stewardship Moments

During Worship in mid October and early November, members of the Hitchcock community give a first hand perspective on the importance of volunteering and giving. You can watch these moments below.

Stewardship Chair Kathleen Dunlop’s Moment

Chris Horne and Jeanie Bongiorno’s Moment

Du Zhang and Sam Yu’s Moment

Sharmin Carter’s Moment


  • Complete the pledge card found in your Stewardship packet and place it in an offering plate, mail, or drop it off at the church office.

  • Or PLEDGE NOW by completing the Stewardship Form and click the “submit” button. Thank you!