Wednesdays at Hitchcock runs from September to June, focusing on youth and family-centered events. Various choirs practice in the afternoon, followed by our Youth Group program, which offers fun activities and events for Middle Schoolers and Senior Highs.
A delicious dinner is served from 5:15-6:15 PM in the Lower Children's House, where everyone gathers to enjoy a meal prepared by Chef Jose Louis from our full-scale kitchen. The dinner features a wide variety of family-style meals that are sure to please everyone. The dinner is open to all members of the community.
The cost for dinner is $10 per person or $30 per family. While there's a charge for the meal, the fellowship is priceless!
Afternoon Schedule:
CHERUB CHOIR: 4:20—4:40 pm
PRIMARY CHOIR: 4:00—4:30 pm
JUNIOR CHOIR: 4:30—5:15 pm
YOUTH CHOIR: 5:15—5:45 pm
Youth Forum/Senior High: 5:30—7:00 pm
DINNER: 5:15—6:15 pm