ONLINE - One Time or Recurring Giving:
Give now - through the Donate button (above). Allows for a specific dollar amount to be donated automatically from your PayPal account or debit or credit card accounts.
Paypal offers a variety of methods to make payments using either a bank account, debit card or credit card.
Payments via the Credit card option will incur a fee (paid only by Hitchcock as the recipient) while Debit cards or Bank account payments will be free to both the sender and the receiver.
VENMO - Go to www.venmo.com to either access an existing account or establish a new account. To pay via Venmo our account is @Hitchcock_Presbyterian
Online giving is easy, it's also safe and secure.
CHECK - We continue to receive checks. This includes both personal checks or, some banks offer service to deduct payment from your account and mail a check to Hitchcock on your behalf (such as Chase Bill Pay). All checks would need to be mailed to following address: Hitchcock Presbyterian Church, 6 Greenacres Ave., Scarsdale, NY 10583 Attn: Finance
Other Options may include:
Stocks, Mutual funds, Estate Giving, etc. For more information on these type of donations send your request to hitchcockpresby@msn.com and someone will contact you!
The Importance of Discipleship:
Pledging doesn’t account for all the volunteer hours it takes to keep this church running. But ‘volunteer hours’ don’t quite capture what we are giving and what we are gaining when we give of our time here, in this place, and together as Hitchcock out in the community. When we give of our time we are engaging in a spiritual practice, the practice of Discipleship.
Your time and talents to carry out the good works of Hitchcock in Discipleship are just as important as monetary pledges. Discipleship powers our mission, creating strong fellowship within our community and amplifying the good we do in the world.
Why Pledge?
It is with deep gratitude that we seek Stewardship pledges for the 2025 calendar year. Hitchcock finds itself in unique times as the world around us is shifting and changing with each passing day. We have entered a world where we have almost as many online worshippers as we do in-person and more people are giving digitally than ever before. The uncertainty of these times certainly makes budget preparation even more of a challenge than usual.
Your annual pledge provides the finance committee with more concrete information in that process as we seek to be good stewards of the resources you have committed. More importantly, your annual pledge is a statement about your intentions for the coming year: "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Rev. Dr. Pete Jones