The Session is the governing body in a local Presbyterian church, charged with the responsibility of maintaining the spiritual nurture and the governance of the congregation, and leading the congregation’s participation in Christ’s mission in the world. Hitchcock’s Session is composed of the pastor, who serves as the moderator, and 12 Elders, who are elected by the congregation for three-year terms. Each Elder serves on one of the committees noted below.
Building and Grounds Committee - Bob Macfarlane, Chair; Betsy Bush, President
This committee has the responsibility for the maintenance, equipment-inventory, cleaning, insurance, beautification and security of our building, manse and grounds.
Finance - Adam Lavis, Chair; Donna Love, Treasurer; Betsy Bush, President; Graham Broyd
This committee has the responsibility for the oversight of the fiscal resources of the congregation and for the interpretation of budgetary needs to the congregation. The committee prepares and manages the annual budget as well as makes long-range plans regarding finances. The officers of this committee are the officers of the Corporation. This committee has two sub-committees:
Endowment Development Committee - Ralph Watts, Chair
This committee works with the Memorial Fund; on increasing the size and frequency of gifts, donations, bequests and other forms of planned giving from members and friends of Hitchcock; on assisting members and friends of Hitchcock in planning for their gifts to the Endowment Fund, including preparing and distributing information about planned giving; and raising Endowment Fund capital over the long term with the support of the Session.
Endowment Management Committee - Ralph Watts, Chair
This committee has the responsibility for the proper investment and management of the Endowment Funds.
Church Nominating Committee - Flavio Galhardo, Chair
Nominating Committee is responsible to the Congregation for providing nominees for election as Elders, Deacons and the Nominating Committee. Four members of the Nominating Committee are elected by the Congregation. One member is chosen by and from the Board of Deacons. The chairperson and one other member are chosen by and from the Session. (Note: This is a committee of the congregation and not the Session.)
Christian Formation Committee - Sarah Lavis, Emily Weisenbach
The purpose of the Christian Education Committee is to provide for the educational and spiritual needs, of the congregation, and to provide for fellowship opportunities and events within the life of the congregation. The committee has three sub-committees:
Children’s Ministry
This subcommittee is to provide for the nurture, i.e. educational and spiritual needs, of the children of the congregation (ages: newborn through fifth grade). It shall have general oversight of the Sunday school program and any other programs provided to the children of the church.
Youth Ministry
This subcommittee is to provide for the nurture, i.e. educational and spiritual needs, of the youth of the congregation (ages: sixth through twelfth grade). It shall have general oversight of the Youth Forum, Senior High Youth Fellowship, and middle school Sunday school programs and any other programs provided to the youth of the church.
Adult Ministry
This committee is to provide for the nurture, i.e. educational and spiritual needs, of the adults of the congregation. It shall have general oversight of all educational and study programs for adults and any other programs provided to the adults of the church.
Community Outreach Committee - Rudyard White, Diane Gismond
The Community Outreach Committee’s goal is to lead the congregation to be the presence of God in the world around us through benevolence and volunteerism. We focus primarily on efforts in our community that minister to the poor, the disenfranchised and the incarcerated.
Hitchcock School Board - Steve Taylor, Chair; Susan Chong
This committee (board) has oversight of the Hitchcock School, our weekday early childhood educational program, and reports to the Session.
Hospitality Committee - Hea Park
This committee shall work in cooperation with all committees, helping to provide support for fellowship events, and especially those which include any meals, as well as other special events in the life of the congregation.
Personnel Committee - Betsy Bush, Emily Weisenbach
The Personnel Committee works closely with, supports, and acts as a resource to the pastor as the Head of Staff, on all personnel-related matters for ordained and lay church staff, such as compensation, benefits, policies, performance reviews and job descriptions, etc.
Membership Development Committee - Steve Taylor
The Membership Development Committee offers New Member classes during the year, to welcome and introduce new members to the congregation and support them as they become active members of our church family.
Worship and Arts Committee - Georgia Prince, Martha Binder
This committee is responsible for different aspects of our corporate worship. This includes enlisting and training liturgists and ushers, communion preparations and servers, new and/or special worship services, as well as decorations and liturgical appointments for the sanctuary.
Stewardship Committee - Kathleen Dunlop
Sharmin Carter, Kathleen Dunlop, Flavio Galhardo, Rudyard Whyte
Diane Gismond, Hea Park, Steve Taylor, Bob McFarlane
Graham Broyd, Susan Chong, Georgia Prince, Emily Weisenbach, Sarah Lavis (Y)